Friday, July 30, 2010

Vacation 2010

Since the oil spill in the Gulf, we decided to try something different this year other than going to the beach. We took our trip late in the summer and we just weren't sure what state the beaches or the water would be in. We went to a nearby lake and rented a house. Overall, it was OK. It really was a nice place. But we took too long a trip there. It's more like a 3 day trip place.

On Sunday morning, we went to the lake and got on the paddle boats until the pool opened. We spent most of the day at the pool. On Monday, the kids didn't want to go to the pool in the morning so we went to the Gadsden Imagination Place. The kids had fun there and it killed some time inside since it was so hot outside. On Tuesday, we went to Noccallula Falls and played putt putt. Wednesday we hung around the pool and Thursday we went to Chick Fil A for lunch and to let the kids play inside. By Friday, we were done and ready to come home.
