Saturday, December 13, 2008

7 months old (already?)

Andrew is officially 7 months old. As you can imagine, he's into EVERYTHING. He's attacked the cat, the presents under the tree, and is presently trying to bite my sock foot. So weird. Anyway, I measured Andrew with the tape measure. This is a hard thing to do since he wants to roll over and scoot around. Based on my measurement, he's 31 inches long which supports my belief that they measured him wrong at his 6 month appointment. It just didn't seem right that he was only 28 3/4 inches. And I just weighed the big man. He weighs 21 pounds. Now, my scale isn't calibrated like doctor scales, but that's quite the weight for a 7 month old. Based on this weight, I made the right decision to purchase 18 month onesies yesterday. That's right...18 month clothes for a 7 month old baby.

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