Thursday, June 18, 2009

Does underwear go down the toilet?

Gene and the UAB steel band had a gig at the Sandestin Hilton last night. It was free, overnight trip so I decided to go with him. And Nonna was gracious enough to come over and spend the night with the kids.

Austin was thrilled about his houseguest and has been talking about her spending the night and what they were going to do and eat while she was over. During her stay, Austin had a few accidents which he tried to hide. He threw away two pairs of underwear. The third time, Nonna caught him and made him clean himself up and clean his underwear. He was cleaning his underwear in the toilet and "accidentally" flushed. That's right...flushed the underwear down the toilet. I'm sure it's not the first time we'll have a foreign object flushed.

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