Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday Austin!

Six years ago Austin came into the world! We're so blessed to have a crazy boy in our lives. Austin's such a joy and challenge all in one tiny package. He's destined to be a storm chaser and I'll be right there with him in tornado alley driving him around.

Austin's birthday started off with him opening presents. Since his birthday was on a Thursday, he had to open in a hurry so he could get ready for school. We got him a tee-ball tee, a bat and balls, a glove, and a soccer goal. He loves soccer and I think every little boy should know how to hit and catch a ball. He was excited about it all.

I told Austin that I'd be eating lunch with him that day at school. I told the teacher earlier in the week that I'd be there. The teacher asked me to be the mystery reader right before lunch time. I picked out 3 books and we were able to read all three. It was nice to be in the classroom with all the kids and to be at school with Austin. Sometimes, I hate working and not being able to participate more in the school stuff. Anyway, Austin had a great time showing me everything and picking out my treat (it was treat day at school).

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