Wednesday, August 11, 2010

1st day of first grade

Austin is officially a 1st grader! We met with Austin's teacher on Friday afternoon. Luckily, Gene, Austin, and I had already met her last fall when her husband took some family pictures of us. From then on, Austin would go by and visit her and give her hugs. We are so thankful that Austin was placed with a teacher he already knew!

On Thursday night, Austin asked me if his new class would go to the library or play outside. I told him that he could ask Mrs. Fehler on Friday. So, when we went to her classroom, he asked his questions, got the answers, and started looking around and playing with Legos and marbles. He did some assessments to see where he was and luckily he was right where he left off from the end of last year.

We went to the official meet the teacher on Monday afternoon. There weren't a ton of people there which was good. Austin played with Legos (again) with another little boy.

Today, Austin was so excited to go to school. He said his favorite part of the day was playing with Legos and his favorite part of after school was snack and lemonade. We read his 2 books and I signed his agenda saying that we read the books.

We have high hopes for this year! We're praying all goes well!

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