Saturday, February 26, 2011

The countdown

We are officially 2 weeks (actually a week and 6 days) away from Gracie's arrival. But who's counting, right? We (aka Gene) still need to hang pictures in her room. We also need to rearrange some things in the kitchen to accommodate bottles and pump equipment. Other than that, everything is done.

Austin is asking a lot of questions about how the baby is going to come out and is bragging to everyone that will listen about how his baby is about to pop out. He's very excited but very concerned about me. I've tried to reassure him that everything is going to be OK. Andrew doesn't know what's coming of course. He's still too young but he does talk about his sister, Gracie, and is very interested in his new cousin Max. He likes to hug and kiss on Max although he doesn't quite know how easy to be with a new baby.

I'll post pictures of the room soon after the pictures are hung. In the meantime, the countdown is on!

1 comment:

Michelle Carney said...

We are all praying for the safe arrival!
