Sunday, April 3, 2011

First few weeks

Grace was born 3 1/2 weeks ago. So far, things have been quite hectic. While we were in the hospital, we insisted Grace's bilirubin level be checked the day before we left the hospital. She was already getting yellow and both Austin and Andrew were jaundiced before leaving the hospital. We wanted to be prepared to stay an extra day if needed and didn't want to find out last minute if we needed to stay. The level on that day was 10 something and they rechecked it the next day before we left. At that time it was 12 something. It had to be closer to 13 before we stayed over or before they recommended home therapy.

We followed up with the pediatrician the day after we got home from the hospital. At that time, her level spiked to close to 18 and home health came out with a bili bed. Grace spent 2 days on the bed (just as Austin had done 7 years ago when he was born) and her level dropped to 12. We had to follow up with the pediatrician the next day and it spiked again. Thus began our saga of doctor's visits, heel sticks, and copays for the first few weeks after Grace was born. Luckily, Grace turned the corner today and her level was back down around 12. No more doctor's visits for us any time soon! Here are a few pics from her time on the bed.

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