Saturday, June 26, 2010

What about Baby Andrew?

It seems I've been posting a lot about Austin lately and not so much about Andrew. Austin's had a lot going on these days!

We ordered the headboard for Andrew's big boy bed yesterday. He's quickly outgrowing his crib. With the 5 stuffed animals, 2 blankets, one snuggly, and one pillow all in the crib plus Andrew, he doesn't have much room to move around. We're going to be making the transition to big boy bed, hopefully, in the next few days. Austin didn't have trouble moving from crib to big bed, but I have a feeling that Andrew will be different. He'll be the one that gets up and wanders around.

Other than that, not much to report on 'Drew Baby. He's saying all sorts of words and has started saying 4-5 word sentences. This morning I went to his room to get him up and he said "I calling for you Mommy." It's amazing how smart he is.

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