Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Austin got the idea for his and Andrew's costume when he was looking through a costume magazine we got in the mail. Austin would be the policeman and Andrew would be the criminal. I started hunting for a white or orange sweat suit, but couldn't find one anywhere. Gene came up with the idea of making Andrew an old fashioned bank robber. I made a black mask for him and a money bag (white pillow case stuffed with crumpled newspaper and a $ drawn on the front). It turned out pretty cute! Andrew didn't want to keep his mask on very long, but I did manage to get a picture.

Austin did get his first trick last night at one house. The kids threw snap pops at him and scared him. As the mom, this upset me. I know it's all part of Halloween, but still. Austin didn't want to go to any more houses after that. But he did start planning how he would trick people next year!

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