Since, he's gotten better at picking them up himself and putting them in his mouth. And he actually enjoys them!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Since, he's gotten better at picking them up himself and putting them in his mouth. And he actually enjoys them!
Billy Mays and the Big City Slider Station
I don't know how many of you know what I'm talking about. But, that man, Billy Mays, the man who yells and sells everything these days, from Oxy Clean to Mighty Putty, has started selling something called a Big Slider thing that makes mini-hamburgers. The commercial is all over the TV. And every time it comes on Austin asks us "Do you want to get that?" We haven't mentioned wanting this this or even made mini-hamburgers in a normal way for Austin to be asking us this. We've asked him if he wants us to get it. Maybe he's trying to tell us that he wants a mini-hamburger??
Monday, December 29, 2008
First movement
Andrew has made his first official crawling movement. He was after a small toy. He's been getting up on his hands and knees for the last few days, but that's been as far as he's gotten. Today, he commando crawled just a little.
Christmas family picture
I can't believe we actually got a decent family picture on Christmas!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
November photography session
Now that Christmas is over, I can share some pictures we had taken in November when Andrew was 6 months old.
Joke telling
Austin has started telling us jokes. At least, he thinks they are jokes. Essentially, he sees things around the house or in the car and makes a joke or a punchline out of it. He told these at the dinner table the other night.
How does a monkey swing from a banana? From eating a snowman!
How does a crocodile eat snowflakes? From eating all of the napkins!
How does a monkey swing from a banana? From eating a snowman!
How does a crocodile eat snowflakes? From eating all of the napkins!
6:15 a.m.
Our Christmas morning started at 6:15 a.m. Austin's an early riser even on non-Christmas mornings. He ran into our room and said, "It's Christmas Eve! I so excited!" And we all came downstairs. Andrew was still asleep, so we got started with Austin and Santa. Once Andrew woke up, it was nuts. It took about 3 hours to open everything starting with the kids (must open everything to keep them occupied). Finally, Gene and I opened our presents about 3 hours after "Christmas" officially started.
Andrew, pooped already
One of Andrew's most favorite things...wrapping paper!
Austin and his batcave
Santa's arrival and Hermey's departure
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve rebellion
We entered the final push for being good because Santa Claus is watching you. Well, Austin has been testing us lately, both our patience and our tempers. There have been various things over the last few weeks (i.e. throwing blocks at school, pushing down someone at school, etc.) that have caused us to cut out TV and issue time outs. The stickers on the calendar for good behavior obviously doesn't have the same draw that it did a month or so ago. Neither does the prospect of a trip to the dollar store for a treat for behaving (for the most part) for 10 consecutive days. Today, on Christmas Eve of all days, it finally came to a head.
I've always said that every couple of months we have to have a "come to Jesus meeting" and today was the day. We'd told Austin repeatedly that we weren't going to watch Charlie Brown's Christmas until after dinner. Well, of course that didn't meet with his approval. So, a fit was pitched and Austin got a spanking. That's right. On Christmas Eve. We'd done and said everything to avoid that but sometimes it just comes to that. Hopefully, this will be it for a while.
I've always said that every couple of months we have to have a "come to Jesus meeting" and today was the day. We'd told Austin repeatedly that we weren't going to watch Charlie Brown's Christmas until after dinner. Well, of course that didn't meet with his approval. So, a fit was pitched and Austin got a spanking. That's right. On Christmas Eve. We'd done and said everything to avoid that but sometimes it just comes to that. Hopefully, this will be it for a while.
No longer "supported sitter"
Andrew's been working on sitting up by himself for the last few weeks. He would sit up for a minute or two and then tip over probably because he's such a large baby, in weight and height, that it just takes more to hold himself up. He finally got the hang of it in the last couple of days. He's even gotten himself from laying down to a sitting position a few times. He still completely loves the bows on the presents under the tree. Don't be surprised if one of your gifts was attacked by a 7 month old baby. You'll know yours has been a victim by the lack of bow or if the bow is crushed.
All kinds of things
Friday, December 19, 2008
Jingle bell circle
For Austin's Christmas program, his class sang various Christmas songs. It was perhaps the cutest thing I've ever seen. The teachers had set up risers in the school's multipurpose room, the kids painted white t-shirts to look like Rudolph with their hands for the antlers, and the kids filed in. They sang Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and We Wish You A Merry Christmas.
Austin loves singing Christmas music. Every day, we've been listening to it in the car. One of his favorite songs is Jingle Bell Rock. He changes the words though. The real lyric is "Dancing and prancing in jingle bell square." Austin has changed it to: "Dancer and Prancer in jingle bell circle."
Austin loves singing Christmas music. Every day, we've been listening to it in the car. One of his favorite songs is Jingle Bell Rock. He changes the words though. The real lyric is "Dancing and prancing in jingle bell square." Austin has changed it to: "Dancer and Prancer in jingle bell circle."
Hermey's latest
As we're winding down Hermey's visit, he's gotten more adventurous. One night, he unrolled the toilet paper in Austin and Andrew's bathroom. Another night, he pulled out all of Austin's underwear and socks and threw them on the floor. Last night, he was in the "snow" at the top of the stairs.
Hermey goes home on Christmas Eve and we're trying to prepare Austin for his departure. I'm sure he'll be sad to see his friend go, but there's always next year!
Hermey goes home on Christmas Eve and we're trying to prepare Austin for his departure. I'm sure he'll be sad to see his friend go, but there's always next year!
What a week!
The week began with Andrew's Christmas party at school on Monday. Tuesday, as I was getting Andrew out of the car at school, Austin was standing on the sidewalk and proceeded to throw up. I got both kids back into the car and took them home for the day. Tuesday afternoon, I took Andrew to the doctor; he'd been pulling at his ear a
nd had a goopy eye. Diagnosis? Ear infection and pink eye. On Wednesday, Andrew stayed home while Austin went back to school. Thursday we were actually back into the routine. But, today, Austin had his Christmas program and party at school. All that to say, the Fambrough house is pooped!

Saturday, December 13, 2008
7 months old (already?)
Andrew is officially 7 months old. As you can imagine, he's into EVERYTHING. He's attacked the cat, the presents under the tree, and is presently trying to bite my sock foot. So weird. Anyway, I measured Andrew with the tape measure. This is a hard thing to do since he wants to roll over and scoot around. Based on my measurement, he's 31 inches long which supports my belief that they measured him wrong at his 6 month appointment. It just didn't seem right that he was only 28 3/4 inches. And I just weighed the big man. He weighs 21 pounds. Now, my scale isn't calibrated like doctor scales, but that's quite the weight for a 7 month old. Based on this weight, I made the right decision to purchase 18 month onesies yesterday. That's right...18 month clothes for a 7 month old baby.
Smiley or frowny face
Last week, I had two conferences at the school, one for Andrew (the typical 6 month) and for Austin. Andrew's was uneventful; what could they say except that he's just the perfect angel? Austin's wasn't as smooth. We've had trouble with Austin at school really since Andrew was born, but things have gotten better. He still has some issues with focusing his attention and getting distracted with things and listening to his teachers. So, we've devised as system. There is a small sheet of paper with a smiley and a frowny face on it with a place for comments. At the end of every day, Austin has to circle what kind of day he had, a good (smiley) day or a bad (frowny) day. We've done this for 3 days, 2 of which he received a smiley face. Yesterday, however, he got a frowny face for not listening to his teachers and jumping around at nap time.
We used this opportunity to have Hermey not do anything based on Austin's behavior. But, he did write Austin a note to explain. "Austin, I was sad about your bad day at school today, so I think I will just go to sleep tonight. Please be a good boy next week so I can play again! Love, Hermey." We'll see if this works.
We used this opportunity to have Hermey not do anything based on Austin's behavior. But, he did write Austin a note to explain. "Austin, I was sad about your bad day at school today, so I think I will just go to sleep tonight. Please be a good boy next week so I can play again! Love, Hermey." We'll see if this works.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Things are quite busy these days around our house mostly because of the holidays. Needless to say, blogging has been the last thing on my mind. Here are various updates from around our household.
- Hermey's been busy. He went with Austin to school on Wednesday and today. Last night he wrote "Ho, ho, ho" with toothpaste in the sink. We laughed at this, of course. And Austin said, "I can't stop laughing!"
- Andrew's busy too. He loves pulling the bows off presents and he has gotten into our Nativity scene under the tree. And, today, he enjoyed playing with his school friends' feet! Andrew has also discovered the cats. He's fascinated by them and watches them and plays with their fur.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Hermey brings gifts
Saturday night Hermey brought Austin the first of two surprise gifts: candy canes. Austin said "I've been waiting for these!" Who knew that two candy canes would bring such joy? Last night, Hermey brought Austin a tin of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer hot chocolate. And there was Hermey, shoved down inside of a big mug.
Break through
Andrew's first tooth finally broke through today! Maybe now he won't be quite so miserable although for a miserable, teething, drooly, snotty baby, he's been in a pretty good mood. It seems like forever ago that he first shoved his hand in his mouth and started gnawing.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Hermey update
After forgetting to feed, water, and sprinkle Hermey the other night, Austin's been quick to remind me that we have to take care of Hermey before going up for bed. On Thursday night, Hermey stayed up playing Austin's computer game. Last night, Hermey managed to get into Austin's pajama drawer. Austin didn't realize that Hermey was in there so when he got up this morning he just closed the drawer. We had to go into Austin's room to get something and we opened the drawer and found Hermey inside.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
This close to crawling
Andrew is pretty close to crawling these days. He's scooting around in a circle to see things (i.e. me, Austin, Gene, the cats, etc.). He's not sitting up unsupported yet I think because he's just such a big, tall baby. When he is sitting up and we let go, he slowly tips over. Oh well. He'll be sitting up (and crawling) before I know it. Watch out Austin and cats!
The elf latest
Hermey's been all over the place the last few days. One night, he was upside down in Austin's stocking. The next night, he pulled off all of the cushions off the furniture in the living room and was sitting on top of them.
Unfortunately, last night we forgot to feed, water, and sprinkle Hermey. He did not come to life and do anything. Austin was disappointed, of course, but he's made it a point to remind me tonight that we need to "do" Hermey. Hopefully, we won't forget again.
Unfortunately, last night we forgot to feed, water, and sprinkle Hermey. He did not come to life and do anything. Austin was disappointed, of course, but he's made it a point to remind me tonight that we need to "do" Hermey. Hopefully, we won't forget again.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Hermey's super funny
Austin woke Gene up this morning with "Daddy, come see what Hermey did. It's really super funny!" When I came downstairs, Austin told me that Hermey banged on our bedroom door, snuck into our room, got Austin's school napper, banged on Austin's bedroom door and snuck into his room, and had a slumber party with Nemo.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Hermey misses the North Pole
Last night, Hermey managed to get into the fridge! He had one hand on a half eaten cracker and one on the gallon of milk. He must have either wanted some milk or missed the North Pole and had to get a taste of cold or both.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thanksgiving weekend
Bass Pro Shop pictures
Hermey bakes
Every night we ask Austin what he thinks Hermey will do that night. Last night when we asked, Austin said "Maybe he'll cook something."
Well, Hermey must have heard Austin because he baked us chocolate chip muffins last night. He even took a bite of one! Unfortunately, he left a mess for us to clean up.
Well, Hermey must have heard Austin because he baked us chocolate chip muffins last night. He even took a bite of one! Unfortunately, he left a mess for us to clean up.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Hermey strikes again!
Hermey gets more adventurous every day. Last night, Hermey managed to get himself upstairs, open Austin's bedroom door, and climb to the top of Austin's tiny Christmas tree. When Austin got up this morning, Hermey was dangling there. And Austin was thrilled!
I'm totally loving Austin's imagination. He is completely into the magic of the Christmas season. I love his amazement at everything Christmas.
I'm totally loving Austin's imagination. He is completely into the magic of the Christmas season. I love his amazement at everything Christmas.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Hermey, night four
Last night, Hermey got brave. He decided he wanted to play Hungry Hungry Hippos. But, he needed some play friends. So, he crept into Austin's room and recruited some of his friends that Austin sleeps with at night. They set up the game in the playroom and played the game. Austin was so surprised.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Hermey, night 3
Hermey stayed up all night last night watching Christmas movies. His favorite? Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, of course. Hermey hasn't caused quite as much mischief this year as he did last year. Not yet anyway.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Hermey's first official nights
Since arriving Friday night, Hermey has been a busy little elf. On Saturday night, he somehow made his way on top of the entertainment center. Sunday night, Hermey cleaned up Austin's playroom and set up his Hot Wheels and was playing. He also set up Austin's Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer figures on the floor. Last night, Hermey wrote his name on Austin's chalkboard and threw chalk everywhere.
We're not sure what Hermey will do tonight. We'll let everyone know tomorrow!
We're not sure what Hermey will do tonight. We'll let everyone know tomorrow!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Lost hair
Where in the world did Andrew's hair go? When he was first born, he had a head full of fairly dark hair. It was so dark, in fact, that Austin commented on it one night at dinner. He asked why we all (Gene, myself, and Andrew) had dark hair and his hair was light. So perceptive.
We couldn't get Andrew's hair to lay flat; it was a Mohawk. It was curly/wavy when it was wet. I loved it.
I knew the baby hair had fallen out when bald spots appeared. But, it seems like all of a sudden the baby hair that was once so soft and fine has returned coarse and thick in spots. Not curly, not wavy. We have spied at least one cowlick (poor guy) and it looks like the Mohawk hair-do may make a comeback.
We couldn't get Andrew's hair to lay flat; it was a Mohawk. It was curly/wavy when it was wet. I loved it.
I knew the baby hair had fallen out when bald spots appeared. But, it seems like all of a sudden the baby hair that was once so soft and fine has returned coarse and thick in spots. Not curly, not wavy. We have spied at least one cowlick (poor guy) and it looks like the Mohawk hair-do may make a comeback.
Darn toy books
For the most part, we were finished Christmas shopping for the boys. Notice I said were. We were finished...until the WalMart and Target toy books came in the mail and newspaper. Austin was all over it. He put stickers on things that he wanted. There was only one thing that he marked that I'd already gotten for him.
Last Monday, my lunch hour consisted of making returns to Toys R Us. I know some people think I'm nuts for returning the stuff I'd already gotten. But, I would hate for him to be disappointed Christmas morning if nothing he'd marked was under the tree. The things we do for our kids, right?
Last Monday, my lunch hour consisted of making returns to Toys R Us. I know some people think I'm nuts for returning the stuff I'd already gotten. But, I would hate for him to be disappointed Christmas morning if nothing he'd marked was under the tree. The things we do for our kids, right?
Hermey's arrival
Our elf, Hermey, arrived Friday night. He was in the Christmas tree when Austin came downstairs Saturday morning. Hermey's first night at the Fambrough's was uneventful. He managed to make it to the top of our entertainment center.
Tonight, Hermey's been sprinkled with the magic snowflakes, his crackers and water are out on the table. Wonder what ol' Hermey will get into tonight?
Tonight, Hermey's been sprinkled with the magic snowflakes, his crackers and water are out on the table. Wonder what ol' Hermey will get into tonight?
Friday, I took off work to, among other things, take the kids to see Santa. We went to the Bass Pro Shop. I had seen a picture someone else had taken and the Santa was a good one with real white hair and beard. And, we wouldn't have to wait in a long line like we have had to do at the Galleria.
On the way, Austin and I talked about what he'd asked Santa for in the letter he'd written a week or two ago. This letter was definitely stream of consciousness "I want more race cars and more T-Rex stuff and an ambulance and a fire truck and a helicopter and a remote control car..." We discussed all of this to prepare for his visit so he'd be ready when Santa asked him "What do you want for Christmas?"
Austin (and Andrew) was the first in line. Austin climbed up on Santa's lap and froze. He didn't fuss or anything, just didn't want to talk or smile for the picture. I finally convinced him to smile and he did. I told him to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas, what he'd said in his letter. Austin told Santa "I want EVERYTHING."
On the way, Austin and I talked about what he'd asked Santa for in the letter he'd written a week or two ago. This letter was definitely stream of consciousness "I want more race cars and more T-Rex stuff and an ambulance and a fire truck and a helicopter and a remote control car..." We discussed all of this to prepare for his visit so he'd be ready when Santa asked him "What do you want for Christmas?"
Austin (and Andrew) was the first in line. Austin climbed up on Santa's lap and froze. He didn't fuss or anything, just didn't want to talk or smile for the picture. I finally convinced him to smile and he did. I told him to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas, what he'd said in his letter. Austin told Santa "I want EVERYTHING."
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
6 months old
Andrew is officially 6 months old. Well, actually that was on the 13th. Anyway, he had his check-up on Tuesday. Luckily, the ear infection has cleared up, thank goodness. Andrew weighed 19 pounds, 11 ounces (75th percentile) and was 28 3/4 inches long (97th percentile). Here's a stroll down recent memory lane. He's growing up way too fast!

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Just plain miserable

The day care called me at work today and said that Andrew was fussy all day and pulling at his left ear prompting me to take him to the pediatrician. Of course, he has an ear infection. Luckily, we caught it early before it got too bad. I hope this is the last one for a while and he doesn't take after his brother; every time Austin would cut a tooth he'd get an ear infection.
Raking leaves

Saturday, November 8, 2008
Most nights I put Andrew to bed. I give him a bath, get him into his pajamas, and feed him a bottle. On occasion he nurses, but most of the time that's just to slow for him. A few nights last week Gene attempted to put Andrew to bed. He gave him a bath, put on his p.j.'s, and sat down to give him a bottle. Andrew freaked out. I was downstairs and heard all of this through the monitor. I let him scream with Gene for a little bit just waiting for him to calm down. Finally, after what seemed like 30 minutes of screaming, I went upstairs to relieve Gene. When I picked him up, he stopped crying and took his bottle no problem.
While I thought this was a natural preference, Mommy versus Daddy, I was wrong. On Thursday night, Gene had success with putting Andrew to bed. The problem? Gene was holding and feeding him on the opposite side from where I hold and feed him.
While I thought this was a natural preference, Mommy versus Daddy, I was wrong. On Thursday night, Gene had success with putting Andrew to bed. The problem? Gene was holding and feeding him on the opposite side from where I hold and feed him.
That my music?
Magic 96.5 started playing Christmas music last week. Crazy, right? Yet, I switched my radio from my satelite radio station to 96.5 one day this week just to get a taste of the season. I LOVE this time of year between Halloween and Christmas and I think Austin (and Andrew one day) will feel the same as me. Anyway, Austin heard the music on the way home and was thrilled. He asked me, "That my music, Mommy?" I said, "Yes it is." At the end of every song, he asked, "Another one coming on?"
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Roll Tide!
It was quite a long day since we had to leave the house at 7:30 to register for Alumni band. And who knew the temperature would be in the mid-70s on November 1st and that we'd be sitting in seats where we could practically touch the clouds? Needless to say, Austin only lasted through the 1st quarter. Here are some highlights of the day.
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