Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Strike 2

The second offense has occurred against our "No potty words" rule. And Austin was just distraught by the thought of soap in his mouth. So, I gave him one more chance before the bar of soap would be inserted into his mouth for what will be the longest second of his life. I know it's coming and I really don't want to do that to him. I know he probably didn't mean to say the words. They probably just slipped out and when he realized what he'd said, got really upset because I had already warned him about the soap.

It reminds me of the scene in the movie A Christmas Story where Ralphie is blinded because his mouth was washed out with soap after he said a word much worse than what Austin has said. I'm sure I'll scar him for life with this if it comes down to the soap in the mouth which, I'm afraid to say, it probably will.

1 comment:

our lady of perpetual stuff and nonsense said...

be ye not afraid of the soap! i got my mouth washed out more times than i care to mention...with no sign of soap poisoning, i might add. my friend nancy used to use tobasco, because if one of her kids used a naughty word in a restaurant, she could just take care of it at the table, instead of going to the bathroom. she used to carry a bottle in her purse, for car worked.

i am laughing with you! love you much!
